Archive for January, 2013


4 Steps to Finding the Right Person!

After reading several books on decision making, I decided to make this video to show you how to find the right person – for your organization OR for your life.  Learn how to avoid being tricked by the “halo effect” and follow a simple process to make the right decision when selecting an employee, a partner, or just the right person for your life.


Making Better Decisions

Do you understand why people make the decisions they do?  Find out from thinkers such as Nobel Prize winning economist, Daniel Kahneman. You can learn how to make better decisions in your work and everyday life.  Here’s an easy video tutorial I made for anyone to watch.

Do you want to learn Japanese?

Some of the material here is reserved (password protected) for particular clients. Please contact us if you are interested in learning the Japanese language. We are in the process of developing more materials to support language learning. Come back to see what we come up with!