Even if you don’t understand everything that is going on, you’ll learn by watching Japanese TV dramas.  Do not expect the translations to be exact – grammar  and vocabulary are very different between Japanese and English.  You can still learn about body language, humor, emotions, the difference between men’s and women’s language, and the flow of a conversation.  Of course, remember that, like all TV programs, these videos will be more dramatic than real life – but that’s what makes these fun to watch! Enjoy.


Mio Fukunaga(Mao Inoue) is a 20-year-old sassy girl in Los Angeles who happens to have a heart disease. As she is told that her operation will have only 50% success rate, she accepts it bravely with one condition: she asks the doctor to let her spend the summer with her older brother in Japan before the operation. Kazuki Kano (Hideaki Ito), Mio’s older brother who stayed with their father when their parents got divorced, has lived a lazy pathetic life with his 2 friends from high school, but is determined to make his sister have one great summer. While Mio pushes him around by demanding lots of things, Kazuki makes every effort in letting her fall in love with someone for the first time. This is a comedy about the reunited brother and sister who try to find the true meaning of life while they deepen their bond and help each other grow emotionally.

The first video does not have English subtitles.

“First Kiss” Drama Episode 1

“First Kiss” Drama  Episode 2

“First Kiss” Drama  Episode 3

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